Our Mission is to create more women leaders.

Are you ready to transform your life completely with an ideal lifestyle that will always get you what you’ve been looking for!

Nicoya Ingram exists to help you live a balanced and true purpose life with growth.

If I ask you to sum up your life in one word now- what would it be? Depressed, anxious, stressed, exhausted, or unfulfilled woman? Or is there some weight or nagging feeling that you can’t shake? If you are struggling with any mental trauma or self-doubt, NCourageMeant is here to empower you to get everything any woman wants to achieve!

Empowering Women to Be the Best Version of Themselves!

Nicoya begins with an in-depth session where she finds out the hidden stressors of your life that are causing problems with your feelings, work, and wellbeing. So, ask yourself- how can I improve myself? How can I move through into my dream career, getting healthier and building a better circle of friends and colleagues? Of Course, you cannot!

So do not long enough to improve your life. We all have a choice to take a step for ourselves and make this culture a great workspace for women.

I believe you’re choosing some action!

Women's Professional Coaching

Do you feel lost, tired, or quickly overwhelmed? Do you struggle with work life and personal life balance? No worries! NCourageMeant will help you get clarity and help you achieve goals by overcoming personal challenges. 

Health Coaching for Women

It’s time to find balance in your life by improving your well-being! NCourageMeant, as a health and wellness coach, is for career-oriented women who are looking for support to improve their health.

Spiritual Development Coaching

Are you invested in trying a different approach to coaching that involves spirituality? Well, say no more! NCourageMeant has certified Spiritual, and life coaches to guide you through your journey.